TNC North Carolina has opened two new positions, the first one is a Assistant Land Steward position, and the other is a Burn Crew Manager. Both positions are full-time year-round positions with funding secured for 4 years.
TNC NC will also be running 2 crews in the Sandhills, the NFWF crew is a 4-month crew (Jan-April) and the WRC crew is a 6 month crew (Jan-June) To fill these crews out TNC is looking to hire a WRC Crew Leader, NFWF Assistant Crew Leader, 3 WRC Crew Members and 3 NFWF Crew Members.
Assistant Land Steward job ID: 52161
NFWF Crew Manager job ID: 52061
WRC Crew Manager job ID: 52062
NFWF Assistant Crew Manager job ID: 52059
Burn Crew Members job ID: 52060
TNC applicants please apply via Peoplesoft!