Photo Credit: Adam Warwick
The mission of the North Carolina Prescribed Fire Council is to foster cooperation among all parties in North Carolina with an interest or stake in prescribed fire.
Our Mission
To foster cooperation among all parties in North Carolina with an interest or stake in prescribed fire.
Our Goal
To optimize burning opportunities for the benefit of natural ecosystems and wildlife and to reduce the risk of damage from wildfires.
Council Members
Council members shall be representatives of any agency, organization, corporation, institution or private ownership with an interest in prescribed fire and goals consistent with the council’s mission.
This will be accomplished by encouraging the exchange of information, techniques and experiences among practitioners of prescribed fire in North Carolina. We also need to promote public understanding of the regional importance and benefits of prescribed fire. The Council is affiliated with the Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils.
The leadership for the North Carolina Prescribed Fire Council is selected each year at its Annual Meeting as outlined in the Council by-laws. Officers and Board members are listed below with their e-mail addresses and affiliations. Please contact any of the Council leadership if you would like more information on the Council or prescribed burning.
NC Prescribed Fire Council Board – (terms change in August of the year indicated)
Dakota Wagner
President 2024-2025
Vice President 2023-2024
Advisor 2025-2026
Laura Webster
President 2025-2026
Vice President 2024-2025
Advisor 2026-2027
Wesley Sketo
President 2023-2024
Vice President 2022-2023
Advisor 2024-2025
Monica Rother
Treasurer 2023-2025
Carmella Stirrat
Secretary 2024-2026
Brian Johnson
At-Large Board Member 2024-2026
Nathan Burmester
At-Large Board Member 2023-2025
Jonathan McCall
At-Large Board Member 2023-2025